GRM’s Grant Management scope of services
- Develop and implement grant accounting and administrative procedures with planning and client input.
- Attend meetings and coordinate with client contractors and engineers to fully understand all current and future capital improvement projects in an effort to ascertain grants and low interest loan funding.
- Research websites, periodicals, trade and association publications for all applicable State and Federal grant programs, as necessary, in line with client objectives.
- Analyze all potential applications/grant requests to determine whether the grant is consistent with client needs and priorities.
- Record and track all grant proposals, awards, and related statistical information, receipt/appropriation of grant funds, timelines, and programmatic and fiscal grant summaries as required by funding sources.
- Prepare and oversee the preparation of grant proposals, including grant writing, guidance, budget preparation and interpretation of funding agency regulations and requirements.
- Manage all proposals and awards for compliance with Federal, State, and local requirements, including in-depth reviews, analyses, and reporting.
- Conduct site visits for grant-funded projects to determine compliance with regulations and rules, while responding to all required documentation on an as-needed basis and as dictated by the funding agency.
- Prepare clear, sound, accurate and informative correspondence, reports, summaries and findings, conclusions and recommendations as needed and/or required.
- Manage all grant files in preparation for annual audits and/or grantor auditing.
- Attend client meetings, as necessary, to communicate information on grants regarding purpose, status, availability, and compliance requirements.
- Work with funding agencies, government representatives, and elected officials to ensure the integrity of all grant applications prior to client approval of said grant and submission to granting agencies.
- Coordinate/participate in advocacy and community relations efforts as client's representative, when necessary.